About Clevedon Presbyterian Church

What We Do

We are committed to being an active outward-focused church that places real importance on making the Gospel message of love and grace real in the lives of people in our communities

We want to do what we do without people feeling that we have any ‘hidden agenda’ except to extend care, love and hospitality in ways that make a difference.

Our ministries include our Family Ministries, our commitment to supporting young people, and  outreach to the community We also run an early childhood centre which supports our commitment to parents and their children.


Being part of God’s mission to the world is at the heart of who we are and gives reason and purpose for our being.

While we commit our resources to our local mission we also take seriously our commitment to those in places who face challenges of hardship and need or who hear little of the Good News of Jesus Christ and God’s love.

While we have special appeals for needs relating to disaster relief, our two key overseas mission commitments are focused on supporting mission in Nepal, and Fiji. We also support World Vision, Tear Fund, sponsor a number of children and the support the work of the Bible Society.


We are a church that believes that prayer is a central part of our life together with God. If you have a need or would like prayer support, then contact in confidence Catharine or Elaine- prayercircle.clevedonpresy@gmail.com –  Catharine & Elaine coordinate a confidential prayer circle.

Pastoral Support

The ministry team and elders of our church are always ready to provide whatever spiritual or material support we can provide to people facing situations of loss, illness, or particular need. Please contact the office, the ministers or a team leader.

Weddings & Funerals

Here at Clevedon Presbyterian Church we see the provision of weddings and funerals and support of people at these important times as part of our mission and ministry.  (There are some costs associated with such things as: church hire, catering, printing, organists, flowers and AV technical assistance)

our services