Supporting Our Church

Offerings & Gifts

People are welcome to be fully part of our life, whoever they are and whatever they are able to contribute.  Coming to church or joining in any of our home groups or church run activities is free.

The people at our church are incredibly generous in their commitment of time and money. But not everyone is in the same situation.

If you feel you can give a little or a lot – that’s wonderful!  Because we could not do the things we do without support.

Most of the money given goes to support the church’s ministries and to support our mission here and beyond.

We are a registered charity

We are a registered charity, with Donee receipt status. We issue Donee receipts for all donations received. Our accounts are audited each year.

How can I give?

If you would like to make a financial contribution please contact the office. We can process donations, EFTPOS and credit card transactions or automatic payments.

Your giving is dealt with in confidence.

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