Welcome to Our Church

Join Our Family

Everyone is welcome.

We value the participation and involvement of everyone who comes along on Sunday or who participates in any of our activities.

In terms of everyday involvement and support we don’t separate people into groups of members and ‘non-members.

However you may become a member if you'd like to be involved more deeply in church planning and decision-making.  

About Membership

It is important for us, especially at times when key decisions need to be made about our future, that we can identify a core of people who have a commitment to our life together as a church community. We identify this group as members of Clevedon Presbyterian Church.

It is important for us to know that there is a group of people who we can especially count on to support and guide our church.

If you would like to become a formal member of Clevedon Presbyterian, then please talk to Martin or Mark or our Parish Clerk, Cameron Smith.

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