![]() Greetings, friends, members and supporters of our church at Clevedon, Kawakawa Bay, Orere Point, Conifer Grove, Takanini, and in the southern part of Auckland – and beyond.
The Peace of Christ be with you!
Let us Pray
Dear God,
We give thanks today, for those courageous people,
who give voice to the needs of those whose circumstances have rendered them silent,
and to all who, out of commitment to the preservation of the beauty around us,
remind us of our responsibilities as stewards of your Creation.
In the name of Jesus, we pray.
The Other Place.
My wife, Sandy, is travelling in Italy with our daughter Lou Lou. Such a journey necessitates a visit to a great many churches - as they admire their beauty, and the magnificence of the art they contain, and also ponder their antiquity.
Coming to such churches, as a person of faith, provides a particular perspective. Sandy knows the stories that are depicted in the art, and has a sense of the architectural commitment to create a sense of ‘sacred space.’
On the island of Torcello in Venice, there is the ancient Church of Santa Maria Assunta (established around 639).
As you left church on Sunday morning you would have been confronted by a large mosaic which included this image:
![]() Sandy tells me that the envious people are on the bottom left with their eyes being eaten by snakes. The miserly people are to their right. At the top, the angels are shoving all the sinners down to hell (!)
For a very long time, and especially before the Reformation, the fear of the consequences of not coming to church has been used to encourage and, in its worst forms, to manipulate and control people. Even now there are some churches, and cults, whose leaders claim a particular insight into who is going to be saved from the fires of hell. Such a contrast, I believe, to the message of Jesus and the nature of salvation he embodied in his fondness for ‘welcoming sinners and eating with them’ (Luke 15:2)
While the different Hebrew and Greek words that we translate as “hell”, and the concepts surrounding these words, is worthy of study, there is no doubt that Jesus warns about the consequences of the ways we relate to God and to one another.
Matthew 25 tells us all about this:
....44 Then they also will answer, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?” 45 Then he will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Let us pray
We pray today, Lord, for all those who live in fear.
We pray for those whose lives are being manipulated or controlled
by another person, or organisation,
or by circumstances which leave them feeling helpless or afraid.
Jesus, you are the source of living water, the light that shines in the darkness, and the good shepherd who risks everything for the lost.
Help us to follow you, in the kindness, love and welcome we extend to all who are in need, fearful or alone.
In Christ’s name, we pray.
Our Notices
Cottage Cafe All welcome to join us at Cottage Cafe this Friday 7 June 10am to 12pm (at 5 Kawakawa-Orere Rd) A place to meet and have a chat, great coffee and home baking. No charge although coin donations will be gratefully appreciated. There will also be a Trading Table of goodies for sale so bring along those gold coins to help support our Overseas Mission.
Communion at Clevedon. This Sunday, June 9, we celebrate our quarterly communion service at Clevedon. We would love to see you there to share the sacrament central to our church’s life and identity.
Thursday Community Lunch. We hold these lunches once every two months. The next lunch will be on Thursday the 4th of July at the Clevedon Church lounge at 12 noon.
Thursday Afternoon Study Series. If you are interested in participating in the 5-week study course on the series ‘Unanswered Prayer’ (The sequel to The Prayer Course) 2-3.15 pm Thursdays in the Clevedon Church Lounge. Minimum numbers required. Please let Martin know if you would like to come along. (martin@clevedonpresy.co.nz)
Sunday 16 June, 1.30 pm – “On Your Bike!” – Jazz and Music Theatre. The cool scene of Jazz and Stage cruises into town with the return of the Max Crook Jazz Ensemble and rising Music Theatre talent. At the Clevedon Church – St Andrews. Refreshments. Koha entrance. See Gina or contact on enquiries@cvmft.org Ph: 2928047
Foodbank—The call for food parcels continues from families in need. Thank you for your donations. We need rolled oats, tinned spaghetti & baked beans, tinned tomatoes, tinned tuna, pasta sauces, coffee, drinking chocolate, self-raising flour, 1kg plastic bags sugar (to foil the ants), 1kg rice, dried pasta, jam, and biscuits.
Men’s Group. Come along for fellowship, discussion and prayer. 7.30 pm each Wednesday in the Clevedon Church lounge.
Youth Group. Clevedon Youth Group Friday, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at 87 Settlement Road, Papakura. Games, devotions, small group discussions, and, of course, food! Bring your friends. The group is open to all Year 7 – 13 young people. To find out more, or if you need a ride, please contact Paia on 027 724 2100. Coming Up: Youth Group Bonfire Night at Hunua Saturday 15th June Youth Group Intermediate Movie Night Saturday 22nd June (venue tbc)
HATCH – our community dinner and church continues on Sunday 9th of June at 5 pm. All welcome. Please let Mathilde know if you are coming. mathilde@clevedonpresy.co.nz
Tuesday Morning Home Group. Ardmore 10 am. All are welcome to join with this very friendly and welcoming group for prayer, discussion and Bible readings. Please contact Bev Sutton for details: 027 3107 421
Tuesday Evening Ladies Bible Study meets during the school term in locations in Ardmore and Conifer Grove. 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm. If you would like to find out more, please give Geraldine Oosterbeek a call on 027-2704-904
Prayer Circle Requests. For anyone who is seeking prayer for any concern or situation: prayercircle.clevedonpresy@gmail.com or text: Cath at 021 349 417, Elaine 022 071 7201, or Nikki 021 973 799
AA - every Thursday at 7.30 pm at the Clevedon Church lounge. Friendly and supportive. For anyone with alcohol or drug problems. https://aa.org.nz/
Sunday Services and activities:
Clevedon Church
Sunday morning service at 10 am. Join us in person or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxBzxjBb3xU8ra2NHwvD_9A
(The service can also be viewed at any time afterwards.)
Prayer before the Service. Join us at 9:15 am every Sunday in Martin's office to pray for the church and community.
St Aidan’s Takanini (23 Walter Stevens Drive, Conifer Grove,)
Sunday morning service at 10 am
Playgroup - Every Monday and Tuesday morning in the school term. Contact Brenda at 021 657 178.
Men’s group. Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Church lounge. A time of sharing, fellowship, prayer and study together.
Wednesday Communion service 9.30 am. All welcome
Women's friendship and study group. Evening group, Wednesday, 7 pm. Day group, Friday 10 am. Contact Lorraine Richmond at 027 476 1169
Know your Bible Women’s study group. Thursday 12.30-2.30 pm. Contact Susanna Ph. 027 450 1926
Kawakawa Bay
The service is held in the Community Hall each Sunday at 9.30 am.
Playgroup each Wednesday from 8 am in the Community Hall
Thank you for your prayers and generous support of our church and its mission.
Right Now Media. We have recently purchased a church subscription for this extensive library of video resources suitable for small groups, teaching and education. Please use this link to take a look at the library for your personal or group use: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/clevedonpresbyterian . We are trialling this subscription to find out how many people might benefit. If you do make use of it could you let Martin know? (martin@clevedonpresy.co.nz)
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